Friday, August 31, 2012

All you wanted to know about senior homes

Many people have apprehensions about sending their elderly relatives to senior homes, mainly because of some horror stories that their relatives have told them, and even media reports. Some are just scared of sending their relatives to the senior homes, because of how the movies portray them. It is true that some of these homes offer a less than exemplary experience, but several offer the best service available. Here is some important information about senior homes that you should know if you plan to shift your elderly relative soon to a senior home.

A good senior home will be nothing short of a luxury hotel, while keeping the health aspects in mind. They have decent furniture and accessories, and there is the possibility that some senior homes might provide more luxury and comfort than the senior?s previous residence. Not just comforts, a good senior home provides nutritious, medically supervised food, which brings back the strength that the elders need. A typical diet consists of vegetables, fruits and even meats for those who can consume that kind of food.

Senior homes have doctors on call, and some of them have in house doctors who take up residence in the senior home. In any case, a good senior home will have the doctor going on rounds for anything from twice a day to twice a week, and if there is any serious medical issue, the authorities inform the family immediately. Senior homes also have nurses and helpers on call, and they are well experienced in taking care of the seniors. For example, their care and expertise can help greatly in increasing the amount of mobility of the seniors, and increase the age until which the senior can be mobile.

Religion plays an important role in the senior home, and many senior homes allow the people to follow whatever religion they wish to follow. Some senior homes may also have religious services taking place on a regular basis. Festivals, traditional events, etc., the senior home celebrates all of them with the same gusto and fervour that a group of friends would have.

Living in a senior home does not mean that the person is a shut in. Many senior homes routinely plan outings, picnics and even longer trips for the house members, all under medical supervision. Various recreational activities take place routinely in the senior home, and keep the seniors busy and excited about their stay there.

These houses have a concept of visiting hours, during which the family can meet their elderly relatives. During this time, the families can also meet people who run the senior home, and keep a tab on how the home treats the elderly. Sometimes, they even hold annual get togethers, so families can come together and have a memorable time.

These are just some of the aspects of a senior home and staying in such a place. There are several senior homes spread all over the country, and most of them have a website that provides you all the information about it, like the services offered, the tariffs and anything else.

Another option that you can consider is homecare. Homecare agencies in orange CT and other places in the country provide excellent services in senior and elder care, personal care and more so that they lead a comfortable life. Click here to know more.


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