Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lead Generation For The Home Based Business Community Made ...



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Lead Generation For The Home Based Business Community Made Easy

By: Sandi Krakowski

One of the best foundations for writing copy that converts is spending time in the direct sales industry. In my 15 year career I worked in this industry for a total of 31 months and made $1.8 million dollars. I never would have thought it would teach me what it did about people, copy and marketing?. until one of my mentors told me that it was those 30,000 plus phone dials that I did which put me on the path to the success I had in copywriting quickly.

Talk to that many people over 2 years and you too will become acutely aware of how people think, how to sell and more importantly, what is holding YOU back in business.

My career started on the eCommerce platform?.

And grew into multiple stores making millions of dollars. Then it was phone prospecting and learning more about people. Onto marketing, copywriting and being the VP of Marketing for multiple companies. I was hooked! Addicted to marketing more than I had originally intended. Now, with our 11th company going way beyond the 7-figure mark, it's my honor to lead hundreds of thousands of people along the path of online marketing success they desire. Of those hundreds of thousands of people, about 1/4th of you are in the direct sales industry.

Lead generation is a topic you cannot afford to avoid, put off or worse yet, not do. ?

Listen to this?. if many homes have at least one direct sales product in it why aren't YOU having more success? ?The question becomes,?why do so many people fail in this industry? And why are YOU so afraid to talk about your business?

Lack of good quality leads is the #1 serial killer in the direct sales industry.

"Lack Of Leads" disorder?is an epidemic that more than one half of all the companies I work with suffer from. They don't have enough people to market and sell to. Sadly, many don't know the antidote to this disease and will resort to all sorts of crafty measures, hoping they can sell enough products to at least show a profit each month. HOPING is not a good marketing plan! Wishing won't make you wealthy.?

Lead generation can become something that is not only enjoyable but also simple to do when working inside of WordPress. Listen to this fact about marketing. My track record proves it to be so. It doesn't matter WHAT you are selling, product or service, if it's in demand and you put it into a WordPress environment like we teach, you WILL go farther than those who will not.

Here are a few tips for generating tens of thousands of leads that are highly targeted and qualified for your small business. I've personally generated over 30,000 myself in direct sales and over 1 million that built our current client base of 290,000+ ?.. ?the steps I'm going to lay out for you here are the exact same steps I did and my top students are doing daily in this industry:

Lead Generation Made Easy

1. Do not make your entire blog about your product or service.

Please quit making your blog a 'product hub' where you become a one note. NO ONE will want to read that everyday.

Write on your blog like you're writing to a family member. Share daily updates, happenings in the family, things you're interested in and if you're honest about it, your BUSINESS will show up and flow through that naturally. If we met as friends at a coffee shop this morning I'd quickly leave if all you ever talked about was your great tasting protein shake! You'd drive both me AND you crazy! But if we chatted, enjoyed each other's company and you casually enjoyed your shake as we talked, I'd become curious and would naturally ask you what you were drinking.

People connect with people so it's important to have "you" on your blog. Time and time again I've seen my coaching clients make more money, sell more products and have more fun when they bring themselves into the blog. The focus is relationship- fun- common interests. Those who read your blog are not looking to have a relationship, fun or a common interest with a product. So make it more personal.

2.?Use the right keywords in the right ways.

Please, hear me on this one, stop trying to write WITH your keywords. Stop trying to be creative and slip your keywords into your blog post 18 times in 5 paragraphs. That is NOT natural.

Your tags are 'site specific' and your keywords are 'post specific'. You'll rise higher on the Google ladder if you keep these right. When publishing a blog, don't forget to input the keywords that are relevant to that post. As well, fertilize your site with these keywords in the tag section,?in headlines and in your copy.

DO NOT keyword stack! This means if you have a weight loss product, you shouldn't be saying the word weight loss every 14th word. Be natural. The words should come out in your copy if you are without much effort.

3.?Be consistent.?

Writing consistently at least 2 times per week will create far more targeted leads from your website than if you blog 'when you have time .' People do NOT follow sporadic and they do NOT become a part of a community that is 'occasionally' active.

Can you imagine a magazine publishing company putting their content out to their readers 'when they feel like it'? The company would quickly implode. Consistency is a huge key of success in business. Wow..think about it. Relationship is built on consistency. I rest my case.

Doing more, compartmentalizing our time, pushing more into each hour- none of these are keys to success. Rather, doing the right things consistently?is the key towards more in less time.?

A customer centric company is the best company you'll ever build. What does this mean??

It means that at the heart and soul of everything you do, your customers are your focus. Ironically, this will demand that you have great relationships, get very good at putting others first, get out of your own way and learn to love people. Business, my friends, will create A Real Change in who you are, if you let it.

Have fun with your lead gen! Come on over to my Facebook page and let me know how you're doing. ?You can find me here.?

With love, ?

Sandi Krakowski

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