Thursday, June 28, 2012

Airborne Rescue: Pets Fly to Freedom | Care2 Healthy Living

Chris from NewsLook

Chris is the Managing Editor at NewsLook, an interactive news service providing premium video content from more than 50 international sources.?

also by Chris from NewsLook

8:38AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

So, so wonderful. thank you Jeff Bennett, may the universe bless you 100 times over.

8:21AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

Jeff, those are angel wings you're flying on! Such lucky dogs to have a caring pal like you to help them find their forever, loving home.

8:06AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

Jeff Bennett, you and all those who help you are angels! Thanks for giving us faith in the human race again!

7:48AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

This group is highly touted on It's good to see them making the news.

7:46AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012


7:30AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

heroes still fly the friendly sky's.......i this pic and the 2 gorgeous people in it, the furry one and the human one

7:10AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

I'm so happy that there are people like this in the world!

7:04AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

Thank you Jeff Bennett.

6:35AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

My respect to you, JEFF BENNETT - you are a very lucky man being able to help in the way you do. Give them Dogs a pat/stroke from us in England

6:30AM PDT on Jun 28, 2012

Thank you Jeff Bennett! The 1000th puppy is adorable.

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