Sunday, March 10, 2013

List Building Tips - Home Business Articles

Online marketers use a strategy that is quite effective for making money online. It's based on building a list, building a relationship with the people on your list based on trust, and then offering them a variety of products and services they need and want that will help them to achieve their goals.

This is far better than simply driving traffic to a web site where something is for sale. This is because ninety-nine percent of the people who visit those sites will end up clicking away without taking any action at all. It's so much smarter to send them to an optin page where they can find out something about you and what you have to offer, and then leave their name and email address in return for a free giveaway. The only thing a visitor can do is to either opt in or click away, so you're keeping it very simple.

We must offer a relevant free gift of some type in order for someone to want to join our list. This can be a free report, an audio recording, a video, or something else that your target market will find irresistible. This may be the only time they find your site, so it's crucial that you get them to sign up while they are there.

After they sign up they are taken to a thank you page with further instructions on what to expect next. I prefer to have them check their email for a link to the download for their free gift.

Make sure that all this works correctly by opting in yourself before sending it out to the world. You are keeping your promise to give them your free gift and that is your first real contact with them as a prospect instead of a visitor. Fulfill your promise to build a strong relationship over time.

This will be the first of many email contacts you will make with them while they remain on your list. I like to offer more information, products for sale, and links to additional resources starting immediately. This lets people know that you are in business to earn a living and not just giving away free information.

Building a list and then working hard to build a relationship is an excellent way to grow a business that will sustain you over the years. Answer people's questions and become the trusted advisor we all need and deserve when navigating the waters of doing business online.


Remember that the reason to start an Internet business is to give you the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. Download a free report on building your online business by visiting to learn how to build your list, write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business.


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