Friday, January 11, 2013

How I Grew My Small Business Website Through Guest Blogging

BloggingHow can you grow your online business easily?

If you?re a small business owner, then this article would interest you. Guest blogging has been my marketing tactics, and I must be honest with you, it?s transformed my website.

When I first came online in July 2011, I tried all sorts of traffic generation tricks but failed to generate sizable hits per day. If not for a colleague at work, I?d have given up on blogging.

A lot of blogging nightmares, but today, I?m glad to share the strategies which I used to grow my small business website. Promoting your website via twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest can be helpful, but nothing beats guest blogging.

In this article, you?ll learn the 4 keys to supercharge your online business through the power of guest blogging. It doesn?t matter whether you run a blog or corporate website, the same principles apply.

Young entrepreneurs are known for their confidence and focus ? two rare gems that make up ?THE? lucrative world of internet marketing.

The four keys to get you started right away are:

  1. Obey the K.I.S.S. Principle
  2. Work smarter than your competitors
  3. Prepare your website?s landing page
  4. Promote your guest posts like a maniac

Obey the K.I.S.S. Principle

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) is a common acronym, which is used in the marketing fields. If you can obey this principle or rule, your small business website can grow beyond where it is right now.

Contributing quality guest articles to A-list blogs were the beginning of great accomplishments in my business. Seriously, I didn?t expect a sudden burst of success.

This made me realize that, you don?t have to be in BIG business to make it BIG online. All you need is a simple concept. Don?t try to complicate issues. Keep it simple.

Marketing isn?t rocket science. ?It?s all about identifying the need of your target audience, and creating valuable content to solve them.?

In line with this, the K.I.S.S. principle employs content marketing to help dominate your niche. If you?re interested in writing rich and helpful content for other people?s blog, you MUST make your writing as simple as possible. See next line?

Work smarter than your competitors

The best way to drive more traffic to your website, increase sales, and build a strong brand is by working smart.

You need to understand that ?hard work? isn?t all that vital when it comes to growing your online business. This might sound a bit controversial, but consider it with an open mind.

If hard work is the ultimate strategy for building a profitable business, I can boldly tell you that I wouldn?t have been as successful as I am today. In 2011 till date, I?ve written and published more than 500 quality guest posts.

Whereas, a friend of mine wrote 720 but he?s still broke. His blog still sucks in terms of real-time hits and engagement. The difference between the two of us is the quality of our content. Did you realize that guest blogging is competitive, especially in the blogging niche?

In order to trounce the competition, you must research your keywords first. Then write clickable headlines for your guest posts. You also need to write for top blogs with active communities. Not just any blog out there.

And if you?re a busy geek, you could hire a skilled guest blog writer to handle that aspect for you. Every small business owner needs quality content and effective marketing tactics to grow. Guest blogging is a combination of both ? that?s my winning bullet. It can work for you, too.

Prepare your website?s landing page

It takes eons of time to research, draft, and write informative guest posts. If you think it?s easy to get an A-list blogger to publish any type of content you submit to them, you?re making a big mistake. In affiliate marketing, building a list is one of the ?TRUTHS? about making more money. Isn?t it?

Of course, you can?t make money when you hijack email leads and start sending out promotional letters.

There is more to it than you?ve read on several blogs. Your website needs a landing page ? a dedicated page for capturing email leads and building a relationship via an autoresponder e-course.

When you submit a guest post, use your author bio to channel free traffic to your landing page. But make sure that your landing page is rich in exclusive content. You should also be willing to give away helpful short report, e-book, whitepaper or membership access for free.

Promote your guest posts like a maniac

The real potential of a blog post lies in its promotion. I know a lot of people who don?t promote their published content, or even pay someone to help them. As a small business owner and young entrepreneur, you?ll need to work smarter than your competitors.

Millions of website owners want a piece of the cake. You can?t write, promote and network like your rivals and expect tremendous results. Once a guest post is published, the next step I usually take is to tweet and syndicate the post across feed sites.

Keyword research is vital in any content. Don?t just assume that Google actually scrapped the use of keywords ? they?ll never do that. Keywords are integral elements in every organic search metrics. I can still remember a guest post that I submitted to Fortunately, the post is still ranking #2 in Google homepage after 7 months.

Trust me, this isn?t by chance or luck. It takes proper planning and working smarter than other bloggers and writers in your niche. Invest adequate time when writing content for your blog, and don?t use a different approach when it comes to guest blogging.

Guest blogging takeaway

If you?ve a website, guest blogging can skyrocket your efforts. All the hard work, writing, publishing, and goal setting can richly payoff if you?re smart. Henceforth, don?t just work hard, learn to focus on tasks that matter to you. That?s how to build a viable system with your website.

The four guest blogging strategies highlighted above took my content marketing blog to the next level. If you take action right away, you can experience a greater success, too.

Michael Chibuzor is an expert guest blogger with over 2 years of experience. You can hire him for guest blogging service. And to learn more about growing your business, see the future of guest posting.

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Tags: guest blogging, marketing, Michael Chibuzor, startup

Category: Startup Advice


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