Monday, December 10, 2012

How Can You Live For Hundred Years By Adopting Healthy Habits ...

No one can enjoy perpetual youth as everyone has to succumb to the rules of nature and get old. However, how well people live their old age depends largely on their living habits rather than their genes. A recent study has shown that old people can reduce the risk of stroke to almost half by doing simple things like exercising for 30 minutes a day or refraining from smoking or alcoholism. In short, everyone can live without any assistance till well into 90s by following the tips that are discussed under given headings.

Say No to Retirement:

There are increased chances of obesity and chronic diseases if you stop working suddenly after retirement. On the other hand you can enjoy impeccable health well beyond 70 or even 80s if you spend your leisure time on doing something like farming, lawn mowing and volunteering as a docent or things like that.

Movement is Blessing:

According to some experts, exercise is the only thing that can keep you young for longer periods of life. Even a simple exercise like walking for 30 minutes a day can boost you human growth hormones that are considered to be anti ageing substance. Although these hormones can be obtained by hormone replacement therapy HRT for men, exercise helps to produce these hormones naturally. Exercise is also important for muscles, improves mood and mental performance and is beneficial for bones.

Everyday Flossing:

Flossing keeps blood arteries healthy by preventing the advent of a dangerous gum disease that release bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria enter the bloodstream and causes swelling in the arteries. Furthermore, high level of bacteria in the mouth can also result in the thickening of the arteries leading to many heart disorders.

Take 7-8 hours of Sleep:

Old people should try to sleep as much as possible as sleeping is the best time for healing of damaged cells. Furthermore, production of testosterones which is also one of the growth hormones is at peak during sleep. However, deficiency of testosterones can be overcome by testosterone treatment both for men and women.

Take Regular Breakfast:

Taking breakfast regularly and consuming whole-grains in the morning help old people to control their blood sugar lever throughout the day. Such olds have less risk of suffering from diabetes which is another accelerator of age.

Endure Stress Happily:

This is not easy to do as most of the people are consumed be stress itself. But studies have shown that those people who stay happy and fresh in difficult conditions tend to live a long life as compared to those who are deeply affected by adverse circumstances.

Eat whole Foods:

Always take a food that is rich in combination of nutrients and avoid nutrient less white food like bread, Flour and sugar. Certain nutrients for example selenium, vitamin C and E and beta-carotene can help a person to age better than his counterparts. Refrain from taking ante ageing pills as there is no concrete evidence that they are actually beneficial for health. Moreover, fruits and vegetables can also help you to maintain your youth.

Be a Religious Man:

Religious people tend to live a decade longer than average people. Religion protects them for alcohol abuse, smoking and overindulgence in sweats as they consider life a gift from God and want to cherish it instead of wasting it.

Be Conscientious and Connected:

Always stay in connect with your dear ones and friends to avoid depression that is another major cause of early demise. Furthermore, by staying in connect with others; you will be able to get yourself looked after quite easily. Furthermore, you can live longer by staying conscientious, prudent and organized.

Life is a gift of God and we should not waste it by suffering from premature death. Every human have the capacity to live a long and yet healthy life and above mentioned tips can help him a lot in this regard.

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  1. Adopt Appropriate Eating Habits To Stay Healthy


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