Wednesday, November 14, 2012

commercial real estate,relationship,bullshit | Duke Long

Well as things would have it if you post up an opinion and or point of view you will get the conversation started. Case in point my last post titled ?It?s All About Relationships In Commercial Real Estate.? That?s Bullshit!

A few thousand views later and it seems some people want clarification or at least a little more fuel for the fire.

Hey fine with me! Let?s Let It Rip!

A singular point that I made was that relationships or relationship building really was and is a waste of time. It?s about the location and the data that help define that specific location.

Let me help define that point with a simple?scenario.

Site selection on 5 properties for a fast casual restaurant site.

Site 1. Great demographics excellent?accessibility great price low visibility.

Site 2. High traffic excellent labor pool construction issues fair price.

Site 3. Tax incentives high?visibility close to distribution center?highest?price.

Site 4. Local labor incentives good?accessibility tough labor pool?best price.

Site 5. Size is too big perfect corner state and local tax incentives fair price great?demographics.

You say ?hey wait,there is not enough info here to?really?make a decision.? Ok, I agree with you on that point.

Layer on a few more data points and what do you have? 5 sites that you need to?analyze digest?and then pick the best one for your restaurant. Make the offer tie it down and start the process of building your store.

That?s it. That?s all there is to it. Which one would you pick? You know what?s coming next!

Where in the hell does the relationship with the broker or company representing the site you picked MATTER?

Let?s say for the sake of argument that site 3 was the one that made the cut. Why? Do you need the?complete?history of the company the?CEO?and brokers of the company of site 3. Is that the thing that swayed your decision away from let?s say site 5?

So let?s put it another way! Both companies representing sites 3 and 5 are the most reputable?ethical?moral professional companies and the nicest people you have ever met. You are almost heart broken to take the call and tell the rep from site 5 that they are not going to get the deal. Of course the rep asks if there is anything they could do to?persuade you?other wise and your simple answer is NO!

Now it is no stretch of the imagination that the rep get?s off the phone and steps into his bosses office and tells them that they did not make the cut. Of course the big boss wants to know why and of course the answer is?????

Yes, the OTHER SITE was a better business decision for the buyer. Not a damn thing the company rep for site 5 could have done to make one little bit of difference.


So now you are saying that it?s time for you to ?Call Bullshit.? Fair enough. A few professional souls already have. Go to the?discussion?and comments in the Corporate Real Estate Group on LinkedIn.

Here are a few thoughts on the comments that stood out to me.

?Relationships build?clientele?and clientele builds business.?

Hard to argue with this one but if your site sucks your site sucks.

?Brokers create a value add to clients by creating a commercial real estate strategy and?implementing?it.?

Ok, I get the value add but other that shuffling some paper help define value add for me?.and be careful.

?At the very least creating a ?temporary? relationship while doing the deal helps solidify the deal.?

So it?s not really a relationship at all it?s fake it til you make it?

?Creating a good feeling or supposed trust will help make the deal.?

Based on what I am not sure? The broker has nice glasses? So?therefore?that makes me trust him?

?All things being equal a relationship will build trust and help the deal.?

When are all things ever equal?

?Maybe we should just buy him some diapers?

God I loved this one :) Don?t stand on the soapbox if you are not prepared to take some hits!

Does Sam Zell Really Care If He Ever Meets Duke Long?

Serious question. The answer is probably not. Does that mean Sam ( The Grave Dancer) is not a friendly professional and interesting guy. Hell no!

Now let?s throw this into the mix. I get?a hold?of one of Sam?s people and I suggest that there is a building almost within view of his office window that is going under and that he may be able to get one hell of a deal for it. Maybe a hotel or condo conversion is possible and I know that the sellers are bailing and the bank is going to get hurt bad.

That?scenario?is not that far fetched by the way?I think he went for a deal very similar to this last year in Chicago. I can only imagine the amount of bullshit he is pitched on a daily basis.

Sam does not know me from the man on the moon and why should he? Should I take the time to cultivate a relationship with him? Should he even consider?taking?the time to cultivate one with me? ?Why would Sam and I ever need to ?klasai arton? unless it was to do a deal?

By the way Sam if you have pulled yourself away from your multi billion dollar?business to read this and want to lunch my email is

Hey, you never know maybe if I build and cultivate and?nurture?a relationship with Sam??????

Thoughts comments opinions are always encouraged and appreciated.


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