Monday, November 19, 2012

How Can Online Sales Training Get You Started?

Posted on 19. Nov, 2012 by in Create Wealth, Internet Marketing

Online Sales Training Can Be Overwhelming

Since 2009 I have seen several avenues to getting online sales training and
when you don?t know anything they all seem good. The one I first got started
with was charging $170.00/pm BUT for a beginner like me I found it pretty

Being overwhelmed obviously has more to do with me than it does with them, they
were just providing the training, my concern was that while I was incubating, the
$170.00/pm was not being fully utilized so I paid about $3000 to get access to
the training for 3 years which brought the monthly price down to about $50.00.

In hindsight, with what I know now, I could have spent that money much much
better but in exasperation I could live with the $50.00/pm and crawl and not the
$170.00/pm and crawl.


How Does It All Fit Together?

At that point I didn?t have the knowledge as to how it all fitted together and
it took me another year to sort of get a helicopter type of view where I was
sitting on top and looking down at how all the pieces fitted together, I was
just trying to see the whole picture instead of the death by 1000 cuts method.

Before long we had signed up to several types of training, $97.00/pm here and
$97.00/pm there, and it was adding up, I had several horror months where we had
credit card bills of $1800 rolling in ? I hated it because I just didn?t know
what to do.

We Were Eaten Alive

Now, having hacked and slashed our way through the jungle, getting eaten alive
by the insects and snakes, we have come out the other side, we have made our first dollar
online, we have had our first $1000 month, we have had our first $1000 day and
we have had our first $2000 month and feel confident we have the strategy and
systems in place to keep improving, to keep moving forward with consistent results.

Whats Working Now?

Just recently we joined Matt Lloyds Inner Circle. Matt Lloyd is a 26 year old
Australian entrepreneur who went from $700/pm to $150,000/pm in a year and last
month being Oct 2012 he had a $315,000 month ? the point is he knows his stuff.

Matts Inner Circle is where newbies can access a guide to getting started online
PLUS the more experienced can learn the hottest and latest online sales training,
lead generation and business scaling tactics. It is a monthly membership where you
can just sign up for a couple of months or you can take advantage of the annual membership
at a much reduced rate.

Because internet marketing is constantly changing, what worked two years ago
won?t necessarily work today. so to stay ahead of your competition and to keep
up to date with your online sales training, the MOBE Inner Circle is pure value
for money. To check it out and see if it is a match CLICK HERE NOW.


Tags: "Jonathon Budd" "Daegan Smith" "Mike Filsaime" "Mark Hoverson" "Dave Wood" "Eric Worre" "Matt Lloyd" "Mike Dillard Scam" "Adam Holland" "Brett McFall" "Tim Sales" "Ann Sieg" "Stephen Pierce" "Ewen Chi


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