Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Earache Continued - J. Aday Kennedy

Earache Continued

This earache is holding on and showing no signs of easing. Mom looked in it. She said, "It looks better -not as red or bloody."

I'm not running a temperature, nauseous, and my neck? isn't stiff. That lends me to believe it's not going to escalate to spinal meningitis, but I'm tired? of hurting. It's getting REALLY old.

?Desire & Reality

I've had a bit of a reality check. I'm not progressing on the book as quickly as I'd like. The mind is willing, but the body isn't. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!? I type with one finger. (Sad thing is that before my stroke I pecked at the keyboard with two.)

I need to complete my book. My hope is I'll complete it, land an agent, and publish it with a reasonably well established publisher. Writing and speaking? are my hopes for earning an income. The simple truth is I can only afford to live so long - something everyone wrestles with is supporting themselves. My challenge is compounded, because I require 24 hour care and HUGE medical expenses. I'm loathe to be a financial burden on my family.

I've given myself three years to get an agent, and publisher.In the first year I want to finish this book. While I'm pursuing an? agent and publisher I want to finish the edit on my middle grade novel. I'm halfway through the first edit.

So, in my looooooooooooong drawn out way I'm calling a temporary halt to blogging and will focus all of my attention on writing my memoir. Karen and I are discussing whether she'll carry on ith this blog or if she'll set up "shop" elsewhere. We'll let you know wen we do.

Writing Progress

A Journey of Laughter Through? Tears Part II Rewrite Word Count 11,093

I'm making steady progress, but this DARN ear isn't? helping.

By Jessica Aday Kennedy
The Differently-Abled Writer & Speaker

Source: http://jadaykennedy.blogspot.com/2012/09/earache-continued.html

daytona jeff gordon artie lange nascar daytona 2012 kasey kahne angelina jolie right leg saving face

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