Tuesday, September 4, 2012

6 Golden Rules for Turning Consulting Relationships Into ...

I just read a great posting on Fast Company?s design blog?entitled 6 Golden Rules for Turning Consulting Relationships Into Breakthroughs?by Sohrab Vossoughi. Even though the author is an innovation consultant, his golden rules are truly relevant in almost all consulting engagements. For those that work with consultants his advise to clients is to be open to new thinking (?comfortable with discomfort?), find a champion and internal advocate and, lastly, be patient, great changes take time (?take the long view?). These three golden rules for clients truly align with our own experiences. I am grateful that most of my clients are open to new thinking and therefore embrace my advice with enthusiasm. However, where my clients sometimes struggle is in having the patience and fortitude to implement the changes. While many of my recommendations are quick wins, others take time to implement and that is where design firms are often challenged. Design Firms often do not necessary dedicated resources and time needed for truly impactful change management. Therefore I try to help my clients prioritize the various changes and try to leverage the skills of select team members to encourage more effective change management that accommodates the ?long view.?

His three golden rules for the consultant also resonated with me professionally: know your limits (you can not change a client?s internal culture, speak their language), embrace their culture, and be truthful. Now, for those of you that know me, I clearly do not have a challenge with being ?truthful.? I have always been what many have called ?brutally honest.? After all, I am a true New Yorker! As for the ?embrace their culture? aspect, I went to design school and worked as a designer for many years, so I can easily understand creative thinkers (although I may not dress as nicely).??

I always appreciate the insight and experience of other consultants. Vossoughi?s golden rules professionally resonated with me as a consultant that continues to try and grow so that I can provide my clients with new thinking and best practices in an evolving and diverse industry.

Source: http://emilycohen.com/corporate-environments/6-golden-rules-for-turning-consulting-relationships-into-breakthroughs-by-sohrab-vossoughi/

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