Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Old folks and cars in Japan


Have you ever had a car accident while driving? graph of japanese statisticsNeo Marketing recently conducted a survey, reported on by japan.internet.com, into seniors and cars, targeting the over 60 age group.


Between the 16th and 20th of May 2013 500 male and female car licence holders between the ages of 60 and 79 years old completed a private internet-based questionnaire. The respondents were drawn from Neo Marketing?s monitor panel, presumably.

I think the Daihatsu system (Toyota also has the same feature?) has an excellent feature that detects trying to run over a curb or block when starting to move, to assist people who would otherwise mash the wrong pedal and drive through a shop window and other such accidents that we often hear of.

I don?t like many of the collision avoidance advertisements, though, as they seem to suggest that one doesn?t really need to pay much attention when driving.

Research results

First of all, all 500 people were asked if they liked travel. 96.2% of them said ?yes? or ?to some extent yes?, so they were asked the following question.

Q1: What means of transport do you often use to go on holiday? (Sample size=481, multiple answer)

Car 69.2%
Train 39.5%
Airplane 32.0%
Bus 27.0%
Other 0.4%

Q2: Have you ever had a car accident while driving? (Sample size=500)

Yes 52.4%
No, but had near misses 37.6%
No, not even a near miss 10.0%

Q3: Do you know about driver assist systems? (Sample size=500)

Yes (to SQ) 36.0%
Just heard the term (to SQ) 43.8%
No 20.2%

Q3: Which of the following driver assist systems do you know about? (Sample size=399)

Subaru iSight 50.9%
Daihatsu Smart Assist 31.3%
Toyota Accident Avoidance Support Pre-Crash Safety System 26.3%
Mitsubishi e-Assist 16.8%
Lexus Pre-Crash Safety System 11.8%
Volkswagen City Emergency Brake 11.8%
Other 18.3%
Don?t know any at all 28.8%
Read more on: car,neo marketing,seniors


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/zi91vZDzM6U/

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