Friday, February 1, 2013

Engadget Expand speakers, Round Three: Space elevators, 7 Minutes of Terror, and more!

Engadget Expand speakers, Round Three Space elevators, 7 Minutes of Terror, and more!
We've been announcing our speakers for Expand in San Francisco this March 16-17, doling out the good news a little bit at a time. Today we have a whole new batch of awesome to unveil:

  • Yancey Strickler: Co-founder and Head of Community, Kickstarter
  • Steve Cousins: CEO, Willow Garage
  • Tom Rivellini: Mars Science Laboratory Entry Descent and Landing Lead Mechanical Engineer at NASA/JPL
  • Michael Laine: President, LiftPort Group

In other words, come for the space elevators and crowdfunding, and stay for the 7 Minutes of Terror and sweet robots! And don't forget we'll also have drones, tricorders, Android consoles, founders, CEOs, builders, futurists and cool cats of all stripes in technology, science and beyond. We're working on the holograms and aliens, too. Seriously, you should come to Expand. It will be a good time!

And don't forget...

  • If you're a company that would like to work with us on an exhibition or sponsorship level, please drop us a line at sponsors *at* engadget *dot* com (DIYers and small startups, please ask us about our new Indie Corner option)
  • You have until February 8 to submit your project for a chance to win $20,000 in our Insert Coin competition!
  • If you're interested in speaking at the event, please contact expand *at* engadget *dot* com to inquire.
  • If you're a member of the media interested in covering Expand, please contact engadget *at* shiftcomm *dot* com for more information.

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