Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Andrew Graham | Choosing A Realtor When Buying A Home

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Buying a home is one of the most important financial decisions you will make in a lifetime, but how much importance do you place on selecting the right real estate agent?

You know that realtors get commissions, but what are you paying them to do? Finding a realtor that will work diligently on your behalf will give you peace of mind in the long run.

You are basically hiring someone to treat you with honesty and respect, and most of all, listen to your needs and wants. Following these guidelines will help you to select a realtor that you will feel deserves their commission.

Realtor First, House Second

Do not let a listing be your guide. Do not choose a realtor just because they happen to be listing the house you like. This backwards approach usually does not work because of duality or simply because you know nothing about the agent except their name. Duality occurs when you choose the agent that is selling the property which you want to avoid. The agent may be ready to sell you anything by painting the prefect paradisiacal picture so you will purchase it. You want to know your agent and vice-versa. A sure-fire confidence breaker is when an agent says ?Who are you, again?? after you contacted them previously.

How To Find One

Friends or business associates may offer suggestions if you ask them. Check out your local Chamber of Commerce for referrals to real estate agencies that provide excellent service. Take the top three agency recommendations and visit their offices. Express interest in talking to an agent that best meets your needs. Personality does count here, but so does the ability to get along.

If an agent is a natural listener and attentive then those skills will be helpful when negotiating a sale. If the agent is a member of the National Association of Realtors, the realtor must abide by a strict code of ethics or be removed. Realtors that have that recognition also have access to more properties through multiple listing services.

Experience With Your Price Range

The real estate agent should be able to provide you with homes in your preferred price range. Agents that sell high-end properties invest their time and effort into those kinds of buyers. Some agents specialize in short sales or foreclosures, so find the one that suits your financial needs. If the agent is knowledgeable and well-versed in your price bracket, consider that a plus on their part.

Is The Agent Willing To Listen & Help You

Real estate transactions are complicated and require patience from start to finish. You either completely trust your agent or ask questions as things move along. A good agent is willing to explain the process without getting impatient. Professionalism plays a key part in selecting a realtor that is right for you.

Full-time agents know their stuff inside and out whereas a part-time hobby realtor might not be as well-versed or knowledgeable about the latest trends or options. Poor buyer/realtor relationships do happen making home buying a difficult experience, so be very selective.

Time Schedules & Extra Services

If you have a work schedule that conflicts with the availability of an agent, you might find one that suits your needs better, especially if you can only look at homes on the weekends. You should interview agents to understand their working hours. This will to ensure that you will be able to meet frequently during the process. You and your agent will want to see houses together, so your questions can be readily answered instead of playing phone tag.

Some real estate brokers actually have a team of professionals they have personally selected to help the buyer. The team may include a Title Company, a home inspection service, and land attorneys. You do not want to have to hunt down your own, so ask what other services the realtor provides.

Working Hard Or Hardly Working?

The toughest part is finding the agent that will work hard for you. Selection is much like an employer finding a good worker, so ask questions. Ask them why you should choose them or what makes them different from other agents. It is a fair question that should be easy to answer.

You know about full-time versus part-time, but what about length of experience? Ask potential agents how long they have been selling homes and if they have ever had any complaints. It may seem a bit forward to ask about complaints, but you need to know how trustworthy they are. You might even ask for references from past clients and if the realtor is successful, they would be happy to supply you with them.

Lastly, will the agent be a communicator and provide you with updates? If you want to know about what is happening every step of the way, then find a realtor that is willing to do this or knows how to put your mind at ease. Ask them if they prefer emails, phone calls or texts so you operate on the same wavelength, so to speak.



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