Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Startup Claims 80% Of Its Facebook Ad Clicks Are Coming From Bots

Screen shot 2012-07-30 at 11.52.41 AMUPDATED. A lot of people like to complain about their experiences on major web platforms such as Facebook, but most of them stick around as users, feeling that the pros outweigh the cons. But Limited Run, a startup that makes a software platform for musicians and labels to sell physical products like vinyl records, says it has reached the final straw with its experience as a small business advertising on Facebook -- and as a result is completely withdrawing its presence on the social networking platform.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/w9S89Z-WyhA/

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the pursuit of gnar: Drugs, money, and bioethics: A perspective on ...

Brace yourselves folks... this is a long one ^_^

After reading a recent article from the BBC, and having a long chat about steroids in baseball with some friends, I realized that I needed to coalesce my various arguments about the topic of performance enhancing drugs into a cogent form. I spent some time thinking about the practical, medical, and moral issues surrounding performance enhancing substances in sport and decided it was worth blogging about. I don't think that I'll be able to offer any sterling resolution to the topic, but in this blog post I want to clearly articulate why I have problems with performance enhancing substance at all levels of sport, but also acknowledge there are many difficulties with my this position; performance enhancing substances can be used to improve performance with relative safety under medical supervision, there is a tremendous cost associated with testing and monitoring, and there is considerable ambiguity in what constitutes performance enhancement. That said, I am still opposed to the use of performance enhancement on primarily philosophical grounds. Before I get to that, however, let me layout some medical and scientific facts about three common types of performance enhancers: anabolic steroids, exogenous erythropoietin (EPO), and sedatives (e.g., beta-blockers).

Anabolic Steroids.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of the sex hormone testosterone. The functions of testosterone in human development are many, but people use testosterone as a performance enhancement in order to build muscle tissue (hypertrophy). Many athletes who take anabolic steroids will show significant increases in muscle development and thus increased power/strength compared to athletes who engage in training alone (Bhasin et al., 1996; Johnson &; O'Shea, 1969; Johnson et al., 1975, Spiers et al., 1983). The data are mixed however, and some controlled studies find no significant increases in lean-tissue mass or strength as a result of supplemental steroids (Crist et al., 1983; Golding et al., 1974; Loughton et al., 1977). Anabolic steroids also do not seem to increase an athlete's aerobic ability or work capacity (e.g., Fahey &; Brown, 1973; Johnson et al., 1975). In controlled medical environments, anabolic steroids have been used by physicians to stimulate bone marrow generation, treat hormonal imbalances, and prevent muscle wasting associated with severe conditions like cancer and AIDS (Grunfield et al., 2006). Thus, in the hands of medical professionals, anabolic steroid use can be safe and effective. HOWEVER! There are still serious health problems associated with steroid use. Some of these dangers are a direct result of the steroid itself (e.g., jaundice), whereas others are associated with culture surrounding steroid use (e.g., needle sharing).

Abuse of steroids is an enhanced concern for adolescents who are in a vulnerable developmental period with respect to both their endocrine system, where their endogenous hormone cycles changing substantially, but also with respect to their psychological development. Major health concerns include impaired excretory function of the liver (which leads to jaundice; Palva & Wasastjerna, 1972; Sacks et al., 1972), hyperinsulinism (Woodard et al., 1981), elevated blood pressure (Messerli & Frohlich, 1979), and decreased HDL cholesteral levels (all of which contribute to heart disease; Strauss et al., 1983). In females there are added risks associated with the disruption of normal hormonal cycles, including menstrual abnormalities, deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, and proliferation of body-hair and acne (Maher et al., 1983, Smith et al., 1971).

Ultimately, I would say the risks far out weigh the potential benefits of taking anabolic steroids. Medical administration of a steroid regimen is something that elite athletes may have access too and thus increase potential gains while reducing (not eliminating) potential risks, but most athletes do not have access to team of physicians and specialist. Thus, recreational steroid use, which is believed to account for most steroid use, makes an inherently dangerous activity even more risky.

Exogenous erythropoietin (EPO) and doping.

"Blood doping" is a form of performance enhancement most commonly found in endurance sports because of its positive effects for maximal and submaximal aerobic performance. Blood doping is achieved either by infusing red blood cells (e.g., you extract some of your own blood, extract the red cells, and keep them in the freezer for re-injection later) or by administering an external aid like EPO, which artificially stimulates red blood cell production. (EPO is a gylcoprotein hormone that already exists in the body to serve the same function). Blood doping has been found to increase maximal aerobic capacity (measured as VO2 max) in both highly trained and untrained individuals (Brien et al., 1989; Buick et al., 1980; Goforth et al., 1982; Robertson et al., 1984; Sawka et al., 1988; Thompson et al., 1983).? Data on EPO use in healthy subjects is limited (but see Berglund & Ekblom, 1991), but numerous studies have demonstrated that EPO administration will markedly increase (VO2 max) in anemic hemodialysis patients (e.g., Baraldi et al., 1990). In studies measuring race performance specifically, doping has been found to significantly enhance performance across endurance sports in both single-blind and double-blind trials (Berglund & Hemmingsson, 1987; Brien & Simon, 1987; Brien et al., 1989).

Blood doping and EPO use carry significant medical risks. For instance, infusion and transfusion risks for communicable disease are present in blood doping as in all blood transfusions. Of course, the risk of unsupervised transfusion (which is the probably the case for many athletes) is phenomenally greater than the risks of appropriately screened blood transfusions/infusions given for medical purposes. EPO carries its own risks and, like steroids, some of these risks are associated with EPO itself, but other risks come from the culture surrounding EPO use. Blood pressure increases are the most common side-effect reported (e.g., Berglund & Ekblom, 1991). Increase hemocrit levels, which results from either doping or EPO use, increases blood viscosity (i.e., more red cells makes your blood "thicker"). This is perhaps the biggest danger of all. Increases in blood viscosity (at very high hematocrit levels) increases the risks of thromboembolic events such as stroke or myocardial infarction, especially in extreme environments, in conjunction with dehydration, or in persons with pre-existing heart conditions (which athletes may not be aware of prior to doping; Smith & Perry, 1992).

Again, doping is a complex puzzle but a fundamentally dangerous thing to do. With supervised medical administration, doping can be used to treat conditions like anemia or to enhance athletic performance. The presence of medical supervision is critical to enhancing the benefits while reducing the risk, but the procedure is never without risk. I will discuss one more example of a performance enhancer (sedatives) before I explain why I think that health and safety concerns are not the only reason (and perhaps not the primary reason) to argue against performance enhancement in sport. ?


Sedatives, especially anxiolytics, can be used/abused as performance enhancing substances in a number of sports. Most recently, I have seen sedatives called into question as performance enhancers in aesthetic sports (diving, figure skating, gymnastics) and in target-based sports (archery, biathlon, golf). Sedatives are an interesting point of discussion because they fall into a grey area of performance enhancement. Some performance enhancing substances are never included in banned substance lists (e.g., vitamins, protein supplements, or over the counter medications that athletes use to alleviate cold and flu symptoms during training). Other performance enhancing substances uniformly end up on banned-substances lists by the governing bodies of different sports (such as EPO and anabolic steroids). Sedatives, stimulants, and analgesics fall into a grey area because there often legitimate causes for their use and lower levels of associated risk. Thus, these substances present a problem for classification.

Imagine the advantage a diver might possess by using benzodiazapenes to reduce their anxiety. Clearly, not feeling the pressure of performance might be beneficial for some but it might be detrimental to the performance of others who thrive under the increased arousal (see the wide body of literature on individual responses to anxiety in sport psychology research). Or, consider an athlete who is taking azapirone as part of a treatment for clinical depression. Should that athlete be expelled from competition because of azapirone's anxiety reducing effects even when they are taking the drug for an entirely different reason?

The relative benefits of sedatives on performance are not clear, in part because of individual differences in response to anxiety, and to my knowledge, more research in human subjects needs to be done to understand if there are reliable performance enhancing effects and how the effects manifest. There is, however, considerable research on the dangers of sedatives from clinical studies for the different drugs. Benzodiazapines, selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), barbituates, alcohol, and azapirone all have their own side-effects. complications, and the potential for addiction (except for azapirone, which can be used for long periods without physiological addiction; Chessick et al., 2006). As with all performance enhancements, associated risks are greatly reduced with qualified medical supervision, but risk is still present. Given that the benefits of sedatives are largely untested and likely subject to a lot of individual variation in their effectiveness, it would seem unwarranted to say the risks are worth it.

The philosophy of performance enhancement.

Governing bodies in most sports create a banned substance list based on the extant laws (i.e, any illegal drug is a banned substance) and the relative health/safety of their athletes (i.e., a substance that can enhance performance without unnecessary risk to the athlete is usually allowed). The goal of such lists is to prevent the enhancement of performance through ergogenic aids... so... there are at least a few terms that we need to define. Ergogenic aids are procedures or agents that provide the athlete with a competitive edge beyond that obtained via normal training methods. Defining normal is problematic but perhaps the best way to define it is to draw a distinction between enhancement of function versus the restoration of function (see the story of Oscar Pistorius). If an athlete needs a supplemental agent (pharmaceutical or technological) to compete evenly against other athletes then performance is arguably not enhanced but is restored. In these cases supplementation is generally allowed, but it can be very difficult to empirically prove that a supplemented athlete is not at an advantage. In these cases, you can argue that abilities have been restored rather than enhanced.?

This still raises a lot of questions. For instance, an athlete who is born and trains at altitude might have an advantage over an athlete who was born and trains at sea level by virtue of their hypoxic living environment. Is this advantage unfair? Would remediating this difference in cardio-respiratory function be enhancement or restoration? Endurance athletes have often suggested that you should "live high" but "train low" because reduced oxygen at high altitude increases the production of red blood cells (which can be maintained for 10-14 days when you return to low altitude) but increased oxygen concentrations at low altitude allow for higher intensities during workouts or races. Athletes have always been allowed to travel from low altitudes to higher altitudes or even use hypoxic tents to simulate respiratory conditions of high altitude (... not to cause hypoxia, which would be terrible!). Nike even created a high-altitude house outside of Portland, Oregon so some of their sponsored athletes could live at altitude while training at sea-level. (Although the subject of much criticism, the Nike Oregon Project and hypoxic tents are not banned by the World Anti-Dopping Agency).

There have been many critics of training centers like the Oregon Project and they criticize it for the same reason many people criticize performance enhancing drugs: they constitute an unfair advantage.This seems appealing at first, ("How can it be fair that one runner gets to train in an elite facility while another can't?") but sport is full of inequity. Financial resources, access to sports medicine, access to good coaching, genetic differences, and sociological differences all put athletes at potential disadvantages to each other. The poetic thing about sport, I would argue, is that people can be successful in spite of disadvantages and struggle despite their advantages. With so much chance and variation in the world, sport can teach excellent lessons about humility and discipline. You can work incredibly hard and still win or lose, the best you can do is work as hard as you can. To quote the legendary Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman, "the athlete makes himself, the coach doesn't make the athlete". Understanding that both our failures and our successes are not completely of our own doing is an important moral lesson to teach understanding and empathy towards others.

To conclude, there are two arguments I would like to summarize against the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport. The first argument is medical and deals with the health and safety of athletes. Any procedure or agent that exposes athletes to unnecessary risk in order to enhance performance certainly needs to be regulated if not banned. The second argument is philosophical and deals the distinction between enhancement of function and the restoration of function.

Enhancement versus restoration is an important moral distinction and although there will most certainly be challenging cases that are difficult to classify, this distinction brings a lot of resolution to the performance enhancement debate. Viewed in this light, performance enhancing drugs become essentially cosmetic surgery compared drugs, treatments, and prosthesis that restore performance and have a real medical need. (I like the idea of put elite cyclists doping or ripped baseball players juicing in to the same category as a woman in the Hollywood hills getting a face lift...). This philosophical argument is complementary to the medical argument, but I think the philosophical argument leads us into questions that crosscut sport and society. The philosophical argument not only forces us to consider the morality of sport and the role of sport in society, but it also forces a number of pragmatic questions to the surface. Imagine, for example, if all of the money from the development, sale, and testing of performance enhancing drugs was instead invested in medical research on restoring function in people with motor disorders? Thus, I do not think that the hermetically sealed house Nike built in Oregon should be banned, because it meets the first criterion of health and safety of athletes. However, I think the second criterion shows that society would be better served by putting money from professional sports back into medical research rather than getting marathon times another minute faster. ?



Baraldi, E., G. Montini, S. Zanconato, G. Zacchello, and F. Zacchello. Exercise tolerance after anemia correction with recombinant erythropoietin in end-stage renal disease. Pediatr. Nephrol. 4:623-626, 1990.

Berglund, B. and B. Ekblom. Effect of recombinant human erythropoietin treatment on blood pressure and some haematological parameters in healthy men. J. Intern. Med. 229:125-130, 1991.

Berglund, B. and P. Hemmingsson. Effect of reinfusion of autologous blood on exercise performance in cross-country skiers. Int. J. Sports Med. 8:231-233, 1987.

Bhasin, S., et al. (1996). The effects of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone on muscle size and strength in men. New England Journal of Medicine, 335, 1-7.

Brien, A. J., R. J. Harris, and T. L. Simon. The effects of an autologous infusion of 400 mL red blood cells on selected hematological parameters and 1,500 m race time in highly trained runners. Bahrain Med. Bull. 11:6-16, 1989.

Brien, A. J. and T. L. Simon. The effect of red blood cell reinfusion on 10-km race time. J.A.M.A. 257:2761-2765, 1987.?

Buick, F. J., N. Gledhill, A. B. Froese, L. Spriet, and E. C. Meyers. Effect of induced erythrocythemia on aerobic work capacity.J. Appl. Physiol. 48:636-642, 1980.

Chessick, C. A. (2006). Azapirones for generalized anxiety disorder. Cochrane Database Sys. Rev. 19,? CD006115.

Grunfeld C, Kotler D, Dobs A, Glesby M, Bhasin S (2006). Oxandrolone in the treatment of HIV-associated weight loss in men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr., 41, 304?14.

Johnson, L. C., & O'Shea,? (1969). Anabolic steroid: Effects of strength development. Science, 164, 957-959.

Johnson, L. C., et al., (1975). Effect of anabolic steroid treatment on endurance. Med. Sci. Sports, 7, 287-289.

Robertson, R. J., R. Gilcher, K. F. Metz, et al. Hemoglobin concentration and aerobic work capacity in women following induced erythrocythemia. J. Appl. Physiol. 57:568-575, 1984.

Sawka, M. N., R. R. Gonzalez, A. J. Young, et al. Polycythemia and hydration: effects on thermoregulation and blood volume during exercise-heat stress. Am. J. Physiol. 225:R456-R463, 1988.

Smith DA, Perry PJ. (1992). The efficacy of ergogenic agents in athletic competition. Part II: Other performance-enhancing agents. Ann Pharmacother.?

Thomson, J. M., J. A. Stone, A. D. Ginsburg, and P. Hamilton. The effects of blood reinfusion during prolonged heavy exercise.Can. J. Appl. Sport Sci. 8:72-78, 1983.

Source: http://pursuitofgnar.blogspot.com/2012/07/drugs-money-and-bioethics-perspective.html

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CBSDenver: RT @DaveAguileraCBS: A Rare Mountain Tornado Touches Down Near Mt. Evans ? CBS Denver http://t.co/r0qIemlY via @CBSDenver

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Source: http://twitter.com/CBSDenver/statuses/229711971346423809

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Health-care act to have tax impact | Health and Fitness

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act, it?s time to start picking through the details. Several key tax rules are scheduled to change in 2013, especially for higher-income individuals.

Republicans are still trying to overturn the law, and that could happen based on what transpires in the November election. But if nothing changes, here?s what to expect in terms of the health-related tax impact, with focus on items that apply to individuals rather than businesses:

New Medicare tax. Higher payroll withholding is on the horizon with the introduction of a 0.9 percent tax starting in 2013. It will hit people with earned income exceeding $200,000 for singles and $250,000 for married couples filing jointly. That?s in addition to the current Medicaid tax of 1.45 percent.

New investment-income tax. The legislation also imposes a 3.8 percent levy on interest, dividends, some rents and other unearned income for people above those $200,000/$250,000 income levels. This levy, also designed to support Medicare, starts in 2013.

?This 3.8 percent tax would be on top of any increase in the dividends/capital-gains/ordinary-income rates that (take effect) ? upon expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts at the end of 2012,? according to tax-researcher CCH.

Top rates rising. That 3.8 percent Medicare addition plus scheduled regular-tax increases mean the top effective rate for high-income earners could go from the current 35 percent to 43.4 percent in 2013, said Jason Miller, manager of financial planning at Harris Private Bank in Scottsdale. The capital-gains rate could go from a top 15 percent this year to 23.8 percent next year.

Harvesting or prematurely locking in capital gains, normally an unwise strategy, could make sense, Miller added. So could accelerating income into 2012 rather than deferring it, if possible. In one strategy cited by Mark Luscombe, principal analyst at CCH in suburban Chicago, you might opt to convert a regular IRA into a Roth, paying the applicable taxes at this year?s lower rates and thereby securing tax-free withdrawals in future years.

Incidentally, selling a home for a large capital gain after this year could be costly, since the gain could increase net investment income and boost adjusted gross income above the $200,000/$250,000 threshold amounts. However, most people won?t face the tax on a home sale, as individuals still will be able to shelter up to $250,000 and couples $500,000 in gains on the sale of a primary residence, said Luscombe.

In other words, the new 3.8 percent tax applies to housing capital gains above the $250,000/$500,000 limits only if your income exceeds the thresholds.

Sticks and carrots. The legislation requires most Americans to carry health insurance. People who refuse to obtain coverage will face a tax penalty, figured as the higher of a flat-dollar amount or a calculation based on a percentage of household income. The flat-dollar amount starts at $95 in 2014 and rises to $695 by 2016, with inflation adjustments after that, reports CCH.

?To determine the penalty, you make two calculations and pay it on the greater amount,? said Luscombe. ?But it?s not something to worry about now,? since the penalty starts in 2014.

Conversely, lower-income people who purchase health insurance might be able to qualify for federal help in the form of a premium-assistance tax credit, also starting in 2014. The formula is rather complex, especially since eligibility hinges in part on whether a person has access to affordable coverage through work. But in general, the tax credit is designed to help those with income modestly above the federal poverty level. It?s expected to average more than $5,000 annually per enrollee and will be refundable.

Then again, some people will be exempt from this requirement and thus the penalty. CCH says the list includes those unable to afford coverage (as determined by a formula), those currently covered by Medicaid and Medicare, members of Native American tribes, certain people objecting for religious regions, prisoners and people living outside the country lawfully.

Tougher deduction threshold. Though not directly related to the individual health-insurance mandate, taxpayers who itemize will find it harder to write off unreimbursed medical expenses starting next year. That?s because such expenses will be deductible only to the extent they exceed 10 percent of a person?s adjusted gross income. That?s up from a current threshold of 7.5 percent.

However, the 7.5 percent floor will continue to apply for people age 65 and older. . Arizona currently allows residents to deduct medical expenses in full, and it?s not clear if that might change.

Because medical deductions will be harder to qualify for next year, it might pay to incur certain expenses this year, if you?re close to or above the 7.5 percent mark but unlikely to hit 10 percent. This goes against the conventional tax-planning wisdom, which says deductions are best delayed until 2013 since they will help shelter income taxed at higher rates then.

IRS guidance. Almost every federal tax bill leaves a few question marks, and this one is no exception. So look for the Internal Revenue Service to issue regulations in coming months. As if it wasn?t busy enough, the IRS now will oversee and enforce the new health legislation.

?Concerns remain over how the IRS will interpret parts of the law as it continues issuing guidance to implement it,? said CCH. ?Many observers contend that the IRS is significantly underfunded at current levels to handle its expected multifacted role in implementing the health-care law,? said CCH.

Even if the IRS can seamlessly handle its new oversight duties, one thing is certain: Taxpayers will have a tougher time figuring everything out.

Reach Wiles at 602-444-8616.

Article source: http://www.azcentral.com/business/articles/2012/07/23/20120723health-care-act-tax-wiles.html

Source: http://medicaltips.org/2012/07/29/health-care-act-to-have-tax-impact/

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New discovery of how carbon is stored in the Southern Ocean

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2012) ? A team of British and Australian scientists has discovered an important method of how carbon is drawn down from the surface of the Southern Ocean to the deep waters beneath. The Southern Ocean is an important

Reporting this week in the journal Nature Geoscience, scientists from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Australia's national research agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), reveal that rather than carbon being absorbed uniformly into the deep ocean in vast areas, it is drawn down and locked away from the atmosphere by plunging currents a thousand kilometres wide.

Winds, currents and massive whirlpools that carry warm and cold water around the ocean -- known as eddies -- create localised pathways or funnels for carbon to be stored.

Lead author, Dr Jean-Baptiste Sall?e from British Antarctic Survey says, "The Southern Ocean is a large window by which the atmosphere connects to the interior of the ocean below. Until now we didn't know exactly the physical processes of how carbon ends up being stored deep in the ocean. It's the combination of winds, currents and eddies that create these carbon-capturing pathways drawing waters down into the deep ocean from the ocean surface.

"Now that we have an improved understanding of the mechanisms for carbon draw-down we are better placed to understand the effects of changing climate and future carbon absorption by the ocean."

CSIRO co-author, Dr Richard Matear says the rate-limiting step in the anthropogenic carbon uptake by the ocean is the physical transport from the surface into the ocean interior.

"Our study identifies these pathways for the first time and this matches well with observationally-derived estimates of carbon storage in the ocean interior," Dr Matear says.

Due to the size and remote location of the Southern Ocean, scientists have only recently been able to explore the workings of the ocean with the help of small robotic probes -- known as Argo floats. In 2002, 80 floats were deployed in the Southern Ocean to collect information on the temperature and salinity. This unique set of observations spanning 10 years has enabled scientists to investigate this remote region of the world for the first time. The floats are just over a metre in length and dive to depths of 2km. Today, there are over 3,000 floats in the oceans worldwide providing detailed information used in oceanic climate models.

The team also analysed temperature, salinity and pressure data collected from ship-based observations since the 1990s. The instrument used for this is called a CTD profiler which is a cluster of sensors taking measurements as it's lowered deep down into the ocean to depths of more than 7km.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by British Antarctic Survey.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jean-Baptiste Sall?e, Richard J. Matear, Stephen R. Rintoul, Andrew Lenton. Localized subduction of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the Southern Hemisphere oceans. Nature Geoscience, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1523

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120729142245.htm

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Basic Islington Pest Control Processes and Equipment

Basic Islington Pest Control Processes and Equipment
by Jane Susaeta
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Pests, which include insects like bees and wasps, and rodents like rats and mice, can be really hazardous both to human health and to structures and buildings. Especially when aggravated and provoked, such pests can inflict painful bites and stings, causing different reactions like pain and allergies, with some even becoming life threatening. Sadly, a research done by Chartered Institute of Environmental Health in UK revealed a tenfold increase in the number of councils that are no longer providing pest control services. The good news, however, is that you have the option to get rid of pests on your own, or have an Islington pest control professional do the job for you. In Islington, many companies are already available, offering different pest control services for different types of pests. The process often starts from home inspection -- which includes identification of sources of infestations, the amount of infestation and how much the infestation has damaged the structure. If you have chosen to hire an N1 pest control expert, the service provider would offer suggestions for pest extermination while considering the concerns you may have about the processes. Also, while an expert may have specific strategies and methods for certain situations, they may tailor their actions to ensure that they do not just apply the best treatment but also employ pest control techniques that you are comfortable with. The process also includes the use of either chemical or non-chemical type of extermination. The fastest way of eliminating pests and the most commonly used by experts is chemical extermination, or the use of insecticide sprays or powder. Experts generally use chemicals and compounds that are specifically designed to kill pests, and at the same time prevent damage to structures. Meanwhile, especially if you are doing the process on your own, you may also choose to use non-chemical pest control methods, such as habitat modification, elimination of possible hiding spots for pests, and application of pest-baiting or trapping systems. For a small infestation, or an infestation that has just started to grow, eradicating pests on your own may be wiser. There are several products that are easily accessible in the market. Some of the basic tools, which may already be kept at your house, include a mini flashlight, screwdriver, dusting equipment, baits gun and spray rigs, as well as safety equipment including chemical gloves and goggles. Meanwhile, if the infestation has gotten serious and has grown into something that is difficult to handle, asking help from an expert may be your best option. Islington pest control companies offer diverse services, including emergency services like removing hives and nests, as well as killing pests that have started to plague your home; pretreatment of newly constructed homes and buildings which include sealing corners that can be potential avenues of entry for pests; and infestation inspections and sanitation services. Some companies also offer follow-up services.

Offering different types of pest control and treatment for different types of pests, we are one of the most reliable Islington pest control companies you can rely on. Visit our website for more information about the effective N1 pest controlservices we offer.

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Basic Islington Pest Control Processes and Equipment

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Backyard Health and fitness Pursuits For The Household | Contacts ...

Eating healthy can be something that people must all shoot for. When you are getting unwell, it may be a great giveaway your method is missing out on protein and vitamins and minerals. Nutrients relates to just how much you must try to eat and of what, for the body to sense fulfilled. The information in the following paragraphs have some fantastic suggestions on how you can boost your nutrition and daily life.

It is essential to begin excellent diet at the beginning in everyday life. Kids will experience their likes close to what you supply them while they are young. For that reason, be sure to provide your youngster a wide range of tastes and textures, as well as releasing those to cereals, vegetables and fruit.

Get ready bread and muffins with assorted greens like carrots, pumpkin, and squash. Make sure you utilize a menu which is reduced in body fat and sugar. Eating a loaf of bread or muffins with veggies with them is a sensible way to increase the fresh vegetables on the diet regime. A loaf of bread and muffins also package properly in meals and are fast to nibble on in the morning.

For the best nutritional value, be sure to not overcook your veggies. Basically steaming them for ten minutes roughly is often a lot to find the correct consistency and support the most in flavoring and nutrients. Anything you do, don?t boil your veggies for the extensive time frame. This robs them of nutrients and vitamins.

A good nutrition tip would be to eat darker tinted fresh vegetables. Deeper colored veggies have a tendency to offer the very best diet. A good example of a dark-colored plant could be something such as broccoli or kale. Steer clear of lighter weight coloured greens such as celery and iceberg lettuce simply because they offer very little in terms of nourishment.

When it comes to sports activities, nourishment is vital and it must be well prepared to complement using the exercise program in place. A vegan diet program would be best ,which emphasizes foods through the beans, grain, vegatables and fruits class. In choosing from all of these sets of foods with higher servings as well as a center on healthful meals.

Make sure you strategy all of your meals in advance. Composing out a food list strategy at the beginning of every week is advisable. It is going to stop you from creating spontaneous food choices that will not be those which would be the healthiest for you.

So, now can you see why nourishment is such a good thing? Identifying your personal diet and functioning after it to nibble on and be much healthier is actually really beneficial. The tips above needs to have developed a great base that you can construct with and discover a nourishment strategy that fits your needs.

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Source: http://blog.1stfind.com/?p=301755&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=backyard-health-and-fitness-pursuits-for-the-household

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Anti-nuclear human chain to ring Japan parliament

Thousands of people are expected to form a "human chain" around Japan's parliament on Sunday to demonstrate against the use of nuclear power following last year's atomic crisis at Fukushima.

It will be the latest in a string of protests in Japan, which has seen a rising tide of anti-nuclear sentiment since Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda in June ordered the restart of two reactors.

Noda defended the move citing looming power shortages after Japan switched off its 50 nuclear reactors -- which provided the resource-poor country with a third of its energy -- in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

Weekly demonstrations outside the prime minister's residence have drawn tens of thousands of people and a rally in west Tokyo earlier this month saw a crowd that organisers claimed was about 170,000-strong.

The Sunday demonstrations, scheduled to start about 3:30 pm (0630 GMT), will see a march through the capital before protesters form a human chain around the legislature in the evening to demand a "swift abolition of nuclear power".

Early Sunday a dozen police vehicles were stationed on the street facing the prime minister's residence and the parliament.

Hiroshi Sakurai, a 65-year-old painter, said he arrived on the street to join the anti-nuclear rally for the first time.

"After the Fukushima disaster, I came to feel strongly that it is human arrogance to think that we can control nuclear power with our technology," he told AFP.

Protest organiser Kaori Echigo said demonstrators from across the nation of 127 million people were expected to descend on Tokyo for the march.

"Not only people from Tokyo but also people from Hokkaido (in the north), Nagano (in central Japan) and Osaka are expected to come by bus," Echigo told AFP.

The latest rally comes less than a week after a damning government-backed report on last year's crisis said Japanese officials and Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), operator of the crippled Fukushima plant, ignored the risk of an atomic accident because they believed in the "myth of nuclear safety".

A separate parliamentary report said the worst nuclear accident in a generation was a man-made disaster, marked by a lack of oversight and collusion between TEPCO, the government and regulators.

The giant utility largely cleared itself of blame, saying the size of last year's earthquake and tsunami was beyond all expectations and could not have reasonably been foreseen.

A 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, crippled cooling equipment at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, triggering meltdowns that spewed radioactivity and forced tens of thousands of residents to flee.

The rising anti-nuclear sentiment in Japan has also led to the launch of Greens Japan, a political organisation aiming to field candidates with an environmental agenda in parliamentary elections.

"A party that strongly pursues environmental policies is needed," Akira Miyabe, the group's 59-year-old deputy head, is quoted by Kyodo News as saying at an inaugural meeting on Saturday.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/anti-nuclear-human-chain-surround-japan-parliament-211351001.html

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french health care systemIn The Little Prince, by Antoine P Saint- Exupery. n nThat law which affects not just Ohio pre existing health problems, but all states in the united states, imposes restrictions on exclusion of coverage for pre- existing conditions, provides credit for prior medical health insurance coverage and a means to provide certificates regarding such prior coverage of health to a different group health plan, forbids discrimination in enrollment and also the rates compensated by employees as well as their loved ones according to health factors, along with other protections for acquiring Ohio medical health insurance ? both regarding health employees and also to companies sponsoring any adverse health insurance policy which will cover individuals in Ohio with pre- existing health problems. Furthermore, you ought to also evaluate their own needs and factors before finalizing the insurance. You will find sites that provide out leads free of charge because they want sales people to shut the pre- qualified leads on the account. Some degree of insurance would be needed in these instances. The good thing is that home health nurses are highly sought after and generating decent salaries. All that you should do is to locate the wealthy causes of this kind of nutrient to be able to isurance take advantage of it. Divine Wellness is definitely an interactive health portal offering unmatched services in yoga and health. A number of these guidelines are positioned as categories of one french health care system type or any other to assist minimize costs. Save a stepjust place it away immediately. Other dog proprietors system is going to be glad to provide you with advice and references. Regrettably, however, many family medical health insurance plans are regional and based on where they? ll be while attending college they might discover that their health isurance own health insurance policy does not use the doctors that exist the school campus which their benefits assists little purpose within their new location. Handled care plans include Health Maintenance Organization ( HMO), Preferred Provider Organization ( PPO), or Reason for Service plan ( POS). What the law states requires Medicare insurance to pay for 100% of maintenance, including examinations. Breast Health An Interesting Guide for ladies The Nation? s Cancer Of The Breast Foundation estimations that each year an overall total of 200, 000 women are identified with cancer of the breast and pretty much 40, 000 of individuals identified die. The nutrition discrepancy is thought to trigger hormonal unbalances which would result in depression. Bake the Yucca Root within the oven and substitute it for taters in quality recipes to eat more fresh Vitamins C, B along with a in health addition to calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. With your info tools, hopefully our website is going to be helpful to any or all the web audiences who require similarly info and assets.? CardiologySite one- care stop portal health guide provides a easy to french use web interface for audiences to locate any health information they might require. In sleep, the functions of body organs decrease low level and all sorts of reflex vanishes, and also the decreased immunity causes it to be simpler for individuals to obtain illnesses. It is simple to french health care system buy trip insurance online via using quotes to obtain affordable plans. Why is rare earth magnets so rare at the things they? re doing? Give all of the necessary particulars should you needed to take care of someone who had been struggling with cancer or experienced a significant injuries that which you did to assist her or him feel good and what were your learnings?

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Build A Flourishing Home-based Business Using These Suggestions

A home enterprise is surely an remarkable way to escape the crazy, stressful, and often volatile marketplace that leaves a lot of people disappointed. Operating a business from home has huge advantages for example totally preventing a travel and never having to reply to the beck and contact of an annoying and unappreciative employer! Keep reading for some great assistance on the way to help make your goals of your home based business an excellent truth and cash flow!

Don?t allow oneself be slack with your home-based business. Compose up a business plan before you open up go shopping, and make certain to follow it. If you want to be absolutely certain your plans are sound, make contact with an organization adviser for a couple of skilled recommendations before you open your doors for organization.

Maintain very careful documents of methods many miles you put on your automobile! The Internal Revenue Service enables a substantial credit to counterbalance the mls that were driven for your personal business but you need to be in a position to prove all those miles were, the truth is, business mls. Have a sign reserve inside your automobile and employ it to report the details of your respective traveling.

Go on a movie of your property business office and take note of the serial amounts of the high-priced things you have, like pcs or camcorders. Search for the statements for every piece whilst keeping them in a file together with the video on CD or adhesive tape. Keep it all inside a h2o- and blaze-resistant secure to ensure should you ever use a failure at home you may substitute your things easily using an insurance plan assert.

What market is your home-based business aimed towards? This is actually the market your advertising and marketing initiatives need to focus on at the same time. Can you sell baby bibs? Have testimonials published on ?Mum blog sites? and content articles designed in being a parent publications or mags. Give a job interview to some being a parent website and set on your own up at nearby newborn or being pregnant reveals. You could potentially be highlighted on television displays designed for parents.

The savvy home based business operator keeps company and personal budget too-segregated as you can. In all cases, different checking credit accounts and credit cards needs to be set up for your home business in the earliest option. Maintaining organization purchases apart from personalized accounts simplifies bookkeeping and inhibits frustration that may hide or even remove prospective earnings.

As was previously reported, having a home based business can be quite a good thing that just about anyone could possibly get into. It requires some expertise to learn the fundamentals so that you can run it correctly, however, you don?t need to get to be the following huge league firm except if you wish to. Just always keep these suggestions under consideration and do it!

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Source: http://blog.1stfind.com/?p=298376&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=build-a-flourishing-home-based-business-using-these-suggestions-2

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The Right Venture: Sprucing Up Your House With One Of These ...

If you think you can?t defeat home remodeling assignments in your home, you better think again. All it takes is a longing for more information and the ability to discover it and then use it correct. If you wish to get yourself a fantastic start in understanding home improvement capabilities, you can definitely utilize these recommendations.

An incredibly straightforward method to increase your home is to improve out your oxygen filter systems. Not only do allergens and dust creep to your oxygen ducts once the filtration system is simply too plugged, although the effectiveness of the system can be delivered straight down by overlooking to change the filters. This is very important to do often when you have household pets in the house.

Install a junk disposal device to create life with the cooking so much more pleasant. Junk disposals take care of spend that could usually sit down there. It is an easy and cheap project to carry out, and your loved ones will like you because of it!

Select silk fresh paint inside an place that may need continual washing. Silk color carries a beautiful shine, and is also appropriate for living area and children?s rooms, along with the restroom or kitchen area, because it is quite simple to clean up. Bear in mind that touch-ups can be difficult, as being a distinction in shine will be apparent.

In case you are buying tools and equipment for the home remodeling venture, don?t cheap on the necessities. By way of example, an inexpensively-built ladder will usually break apart although getting used and low-high quality paintbrushes might get rid of bristles in the painting, departing unattractive marks on the wall space. Strive for midsection-grade equipment if you are on a budget, otherwise, you may well be set for some nasty mishaps.

Should your refrigerator is finished decade old, it may be time to consider receiving an improve. The fridge make use of by far the most electrical power of the many home appliances at your residence. New Vitality Legend refrigerators, nonetheless, are generally a lot more energy efficient, and will save you cash. Additionally, they operate quieter.

Increasing your home?s entrance charm may be as easy as replacing a mail box. A new, much more modern day mailbox will make your home really feel enhanced. The undertaking can be finished in just a couple of hours. Just be sure to adhere to any Home Owners? Association guidelines when choosing your mailbox out.

The following tips possibly stimulated numerous ideas for you. Just remember not to bite on a lot more than you may chew. Get started with a little venture and do more function all around your house while you get innovative skills and feel more at ease. Redecorating should stay exciting and useful for you.

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Source: http://guru3x.com/the-right-venture-sprucing-up-your-house-with-one-of-these-recommendations/

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Record-setting opening ceremony for NBC

NEW YORK (AP) ? The Olympics opening ceremony was seen in the U.S. by 40.7 million people, making it the most-watched opening ceremony for a summer or winter Olympics.

The Nielsen company said Saturday that the average viewership topped the previous record of 39.8 million people who watched the opening of the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta. The London festivities bucked a tradition that American viewers are generally more interested in these ceremonies when they are on U.S. soil.

The 2008 ceremony in Beijing reached slightly fewer than 36 million people.

The strong ratings came despite ? or perhaps because of ? complaints about NBC not streaming the ceremony live online.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/record-setting-opening-ceremony-nbc-174929550--oly.html

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6 countries face sanctions over animal smuggling

GENEVA (AP) ? Delegates to a U.N. conservation meeting are threatening sanctions against six countries unless they approve legislation to fighting the illegal animal trade.

The multibillion-dollar illegal trade in wildlife is a growing problem, and environmentalists say a big reason is nations' failure to enact stiff penalties for traffickers or enforce wildlife laws already on the books.

The subject was a major topic Thursday at a weeklong meeting in Geneva of the 175-nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

The six countries ? Comoros, Guinea-Bissau, Paraguay, Rwanda, Nepal and the Solomon Islands ? were told they must approve laws imposing penalties for wildlife smugglers and other provisions on how to handle confiscated wildlife.

Delegates to the meeting said the countries would have 60 days to draw up the required legislation.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/6-countries-face-sanctions-over-animal-smuggling-123937699--finance.html

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OUYA to get OnLive gameplay at launch, console's full controller ...

OnLive comes to OUYA, Controller Makes Full Frontal Debut

When OnLive first heard about OUYA, we were excited to see console gaming becoming more available and open. Like OUYA, we came to gaming with a new vision for making top-quality gaming accessible to more people, and we continue to look for ways to expand on that vision.

OUYA is rethinking the console business, making waves by using standard technology to make gaming for your living room accessible, affordable and more innovative than ever. In OnLive's case, we pioneered a groundbreaking, cloud-based system that instantly delivers games to any device on demand.

We are pleased to announce that OnLive will be available on OUYA at launch, extending and building on our commitment to make the best games available to everyone, everywhere.
What does that mean for OUYA backers?

OnLive will deliver a full console-class experience, bringing hundreds of top-tier games from more than 80 publishers to the OUYA console for play on demand.

OUYA owners will be able to jump in and play any of these games both at home on their OUYA console, and on the go on PCs, Macs, tablets and phones, never leaving a game behind.

Instant demos will be available for nearly every game in our ever-growing library-from eagerly anticipated indie titles like Ravaged, to hot blockbusters like the upcoming Darksiders? II. Players can experience up to 30 minutes of each game for free before deciding what to buy. If they like it, they can continue playing where the demo left off.

OnLive already delivers a premium gaming experience to tablets, smartphones, PCs, Macs, connected TVs and HDTVs via the OnLive? Game System or dedicated streaming devices like the VIZIO Co-Star. We're pleased to deliver the same OnLive experience on the OUYA console when it launches next year.

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/27/ouya-to-get-onlive-gameplay-at-launch-consoles-full-controller/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Casino: Good half year results from William Hill - Gambling News ...

William Hill plc investors will be pleased with the company?s H1-2012 half-year results released today (Friday) which improve on the comparative period last year, with [?]

Source: Good half year results from William Hill
brought to you by Reviewed-Casinos.com - Online Casino Reviews

Read the rest >>

Fri, July 27th, 2012

Related Casino News:

Gambling history facts:

  • Lotteries were brought to America in the 1800s by the thousands of Chinese immigrants who worked in the mines and on the railroads.
  • As early as 1420, lotteries were used in Europe for public works. High-value commodities such as land and art were often sold through lotteries.
  • It was during the 1930's that slot machines began to become very popular across America, and in the late 40's Bugsy Siegel added machines to his Flamingo Hilton hotel in Las Vegas.
  • People earning $10,000 per year gamble more than twice as much money as people earning $30-40,000 per year. People earning $10,000 per year gamble four times as much money as those making $80,000 or more per year.

Source: http://www.gambling-news-source.com/2012/07/27/good-half-year-results-william-76969/

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What to do with the remaining roles? (POLL)

Beverage Wars

You know your favorite drink, Coke? Well HE is in the soda group, fighting against all of the other drinks to become the victor. And your good ol' buddy, Green Tea? SHE'S also fighting. Could there be some heat in this battle? Or will sparks fly? (6 OPEN)


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Beverage Wars?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Should we turn the roles into NPCS?

Should we get rid of the extra roles and then find our own love interest?

Or should we do something else?

If only I could actually make a cheeto gun..

Shoujo manga addict~ <3

Art will ALWAYS be my passion.

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Well hey, like I told you before Sunni, Im more then willing to take more then one character, probably 2 more at the most, maybe 3. :3

NPC idea: Eh, I dont think it would work out well.
Free L O V E choice: That would be okay, it would work out much more then the NPC idea, BUT we gotta get even amount of boys and girls...unless some of us are interested in that kind of thing.

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Free love interest would be pretty alright as long as some of the girls aren't homophobic or anything. I was kind of hesitant with my post since I didn't know Pepsi or Coke's names. :/

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Loblaw earnings drop 19%

Loblaw Cos. Ltd profit fell by almost one fifth last quarter, even as same store sales expanded slightly.

Canada's largest grocery store chain said profit was 57 cents per share, down almost 19 per cent compared with the same period in 2011.

Revenue was $7.37 billion, an increase of 1.3 per cent over the second quarter of 2011. Retail sales and same-stores sales grew 1.1 per cent and 0.2 per cent respectively. Same-store sales are a key metric of retail health, measuring sales at already established stores and stripping out the impact of new store openings.

The company currently operates more than 1,000 grocery stores across the country under numerous banners, including Great Canadian Super Store, Provigo, No Frills and Atlantic Superstore.

The company is battling Wal-Mart's Supercentres in a tight battle to dominate the Canadian grocery industry. Loblaw has cited costs related to upgrading the company's inventory and IT system in order to better compete in almost every quarter since the world's largest retailer started selling groceries in Canada more than five years ago.

As far back as the third quarter of 2007, Loblaw made mention in its quarterly report of "a new multi-year plan to upgrade information technology and supply chain infrastructure designed to substantially improve efficiency" and one that was expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

That plan is still underway, as the grocer cited a $66 million charge related to IT costs in its consolidated operating income on Wednesday.

"In the second quarter we continued to execute our plan," executive chairman Galen Weston said in a release Wednesday.

"We remain confident that our ongoing investments in infrastructure, including the completion of our IT implementation, will enable efficiencies and expense leverage to drive future earnings growth."

Weston added, however, that the "outlook for 2012 is unchanged ? we continue to expect full-year net earnings to be down year-over-year."

For 2012 as a whole, Loblaw says it expects capital expenditures of approximately $1.1 billion, with approximately 40 per cent to be dedicated to investing in IT infrastructure and supply chain projects and the remaining 60 per cent to be spent on retail operations.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/loblaw-earnings-drop-19-163331851--finance.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Court Grants Injunction Against Caterina Fake?s Use Of The Name ?Pinwheel?

pinweel pinwheelIt looks like Flickr co-founder Caterina Fake may have to find a new name for her new product Pinwheel. A New York court has granted a preliminary injunction against Fake's startup 2bkco, which was requested by a startup called Pinweel. (When you look at the name, I think you can see where the conflict comes in.) The injunction was posted on Scribd by lawyer and blogger Venkat Balasubramani, and I've embedded it below. Fake sent me an email confirming its accuracy, though she declined to say what the company's response will be, because "we can't comment on pending legal matters." The Pinweel team sent a similarly terse statement, saying, "We can confirm that the federal court has issued a preliminary injunction that requires that Caterina Fake's company immediately cease their use of the Pinwheel name."

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/6_VIA09f_rw/

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Michigan Home & Garden Show Opens Friday, March 9 at Pontiac ...

Pontiac, MI (PRWEB) February 28, 2012

The 21st annual Michigan Home & Garden Show opens Friday, March 9 and runs through Sunday, March 11 at the Silverdome in Pontiac highlighting the latest trends in green living, remodeling or maintenance and blooming gardens to give homeowners a much needed taste of springtime to come.

?We are excited to welcome scores of savvy homeowners to the show for our special features, exhibits, educational seminars and displays,? said Mike Wilbraham, show producer of ShowSpan, Inc. in Grand Rapids. ?Don?t miss the professional gardens and landscapes with blooming annuals and perennials, waterfalls, fountains and outdoor kitchens created by area landscapers.?

Twiggy, The Water Skiing Squirrel, sporting a life jacket and water skis and pulled by a remote-controlled boat in a custom-made swimming pool, as seen on ESPN, ?Good Morning America? and ?The Late Show with David Letterman,? will entertain and teach the importance of life jackets and safety on the water.

Author Joey Green will present strange but useful household tips during his ?Wacky Uses for Brand Name Products? such as polishing furniture with Spam, removing carpet stains with Pampers and cleaning diamond rings with Efferdent as seen on ?The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,? ?Good Morning America? and ?The View.?

Outdoor living space will be shown in professionally landscaped gardens and landscapes with blooming annuals and perennials, reflecting ponds, waterfalls, fountains, brick walkways, decks and patios created by area landscapers.

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., members of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., will display a flower invitational exhibition of floral design themed ?Memories of the Past Forging into the Future.?

Free educational seminars and how-to demonstrations for new ideas and instruction led by gardening, interior design, home improvement and cooking experts. Chefs will cook and share tips on the Quality Lumber Food Stage. Eastern Market will host the presentations on Friday. America?s Master Handyman and WJR radio host Glenn Haege will be among the experts covering design, home improvement and energy on the Home Improvement Stage. Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association experts will conduct the seminars on the Plant Michigan Green Garden Stage. Children will have the opportunity to climb on inflatables and a portable climbing tower at the Grace Adventures Fun Zone.

Decorative home accessories, Michigan landscape and nature photography and food products will be available for purchase at the Garden & Art Market.

Homeowners can compare products and services and find professionals for landscaping, building, remodeling, do-it-yourself and home decorating projects. Experts will be on hand to provide tips, advice and knowledge on home renovations, improvement, maintenance, environmentally friendly living, gardening and landscaping.

Exhibit displays will fill the Silverdome for homeowners? landscaping, gardening, home improvement and energy efficiency projects from heating and cooling, kitchens and baths, windows and doors to room additions, siding, closets, vacuums, appliances, fixtures, furnishings, landscaping and decorative accessories.

Pontiac Silverdome is located at 1200 Featherstone Road, north of M-59 and west of Opdyke Road in Pontiac. Show hours are from noon ? 9 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. ? 9 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. ? 6 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $10; $5 for children 6-14 and children 5 and under admitted free. Discount coupons for $2 off Friday or Sunday adult admission are available at show?s website and participating Wendy?s restaurants. Advance tickets are available online at http://www.SilverdomeEvents.com. Family Day is Saturday with free admission until noon for children 14 and under and special activities and demonstrations. On site parking is available for $5. Social networkers can follow the show at Twitter.com/MIHomeShow and become a fan on Facebook at SilverdomeHomeShow.com/Facebook. For more information, visit http://www.SilverdomeHomeShow.com or call (800) 328-6550.


Mike Wilbraham
ShowSpan, Inc.
(616) 447-2860

Source: http://gogreenliving.org/michigan-home-garden-show-opens-friday-march-9-at-pontiac-silverdome/.php

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