Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How much is a phone call worth? - BLOG - HELEN CROZIER ...

When the pressure is on do you resort to a text message, email or worse still a facebook wall post to pass on events that are happening in your life?

Social networks have made it easier to broadcast to many but what about those friends or family members who have gone against the tide and not joined Facebook??

According to Sherry Turkle in Alone Together many adolescents refuse to make a voice call because it is inconvenient, they have to think too much and questions might be asked that they don't have immediate answers for.?

Just as it might be a useful idea to commit mobile numbers of your nearest and dearest to memory I propose that another skill to bring back into vogue is the art of a landline phone conversation.

The line never drops out, the quality is amazingly clear and the person on the receiving end will appreciate the fact that you have taken the time for direct, one to one personal and daringly intimate conversation.

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